Thursday, May 18, 2006

Summer Lovin'

I seriously love this season. If summer and winter got in a fight than summer would jump winter, kick its ass, knock out it's teeth and then piss on it while it laid in pool of it's own blood. On a happy scale of 1 to 10, I am constantly at a 9 or 10. If something bad happens (e.g. a bad breakup, getting fired, etc.) I may dip down to an 8 but in the winter I rarely get up to a 7 on a good day. In honor of the good weather, I did something completely impractical and bought a white suit (look left). It's gonna get so dirty. I just hope that I am not that girl you see on the bus that has crap on her ass and you don't think it is your place to tell her because its on her ASS. Ah well it's a sweet suit. From this angle it looks like the pants are giant but they actually aren't that big! I swear. I do not have that much junk in my trunk.

Well I am officially getting older. My joints are not working like they used to. My soccer coach must think that I am a hypocondriac because I'm always hurt with something. Last week I wasn't playin my best because my hip flexors were fatigued because I hadn't taken a break since I did my leg in the Banff Calgary relay race on the weekend. And then last night my ankle was aching because I had hurt it in the previous game. Lastly, I got a friggin' charlie horse in my calf in the game last night (I worked through the pain in my ankle only to be booted in the calf by a hefty gal). I was limping around like I had a wooden leg today at work. Took me 30 minutes to walk 3 blocks. People were looking at me like I was drunk. Ah well screw them I hurt it being active while they were sitting on their sizeable behinds watching the Oilers make it to round 3.

This weekend I am off to Penticton for a soccer tourney. Penticton is a sweet lake town on the Okanagan lake. The lake is really clean and the sand is pretty decent (not exactly white sand but the best I've seen on a lake). The problem is that we only have 11 players. That means that we have no subs. So if I get injured again (which I likely will) I will still have to play or we will be playing short. Shitty. Ah well, we mostly go to get drunk and go out. And this will be the first tourney in a long time where the boyfriend won't be there. His team usually frequents the same tourneys as mine but allegedly, we are the only team from Cowtown in that tourney. Should be good times.

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