Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Air Conditioners + Condo Boards = Bad News, Bears

So the boyfriend goes out to buy an air conditioner last night. I told him to buy a portable one but he comes back with one of those window installations. So he proceeds to put the whole thing together and I ask him "Hey, does anyone else in our building have a window air conditioner?" He goes outside and checks. Nope, definitely no one in our condo building has one. And our building is H-O-T. So I stop him before he drills holes with wood screws in our metal window frame and ask "Are we allowed to have a window air conditioner". So I go grab the condo documents and sure enough, you cannot have anything, and I mean anything (e.g. you can't even hang a towel over the edge of the balcony after a day at the pool) hanging outside your window or on your balcony.

So sure enough we have to buy one of the portable ones that are huge but have nothing sticking out the window. The price difference: the portable ones are approximately 3 times the price of the window dealies. Lovely. Stupid condo by-laws. Ah well, atleast he bought it from Costco, at which I once watched a person working at Costco's returns desk take back a used toilet. So they'll most likely take this back. The other bad news, there are like no decent portable air conditioners for sale in Cowtown so we are going to have to order one online. Neither me nor the boyfriend have a Costco card so that means that we shall have to order on his dad's card. I love the boyfriend, but so help me god, if he ever does anything within the month you ask him to do it, it's a miracle. So my predictions is the air conditioner will be ordered at the end of June and we will get it sometime after summer is over. Last night I was so hot and dilusional in my sleep that I was having hallucinations. I seriously dreamt that I got up, took a shower, put on makeup and got to work. It was so real. Come on dreams, we don't dream about that shit, we dream about Brad Pitt, BRAD PITT!!!! Seriously dreams, get on board with the team. And then my boyfriend's alarm went off an hour after mine should've and I hauled ass to work late.

Well I finally heard back from my best friend who is currently in Australia. I miss her a lot and presumed she was dead for a long time as I had not heard from her in months (usually we can't go more than a few days without talking). She has met an Aussie hottie and is shacked up with him. She will more than likely be coming home in 2 to 3 months. I hope she is happy with her man but if she likes him enough to stay with him, she's moving him to Canada. She'll ruin are plans to have a boy and girl baby at the same time, go running with them in our Gladiator strollers, have them play on the same co-ed soccer team and then they fall in love. I can't wait to go drinking with her and see pics of her hotty!

Oh Australia, how I miss that life. In case you didn't know, me and some friends went to Australia for a year in 2002-2003. It was seriously the best time of my life. Every day I'd lay on a beautiful white sand beach reading my women's crap novels, cook sweet dinners and get drunk off of Australian wine. I can't wait to go travelling again. After I write my UFE (the giant exam I have to write to become a chartered accountant, Canada's version of a CPA) I am planning to go to Thailand with the boyfriend for a month and then fly to Nepaul and meet a friend there and go hiking for 3 weeks. I hope it materializes because I need to get the heck out of dodge.

Well tonight is another fun soccer game and my ankle, which is currently a cankle (mix between a calf and an ankle) because of the weekend's wear and tear, still hurts like a bitch. We are playing the first place team which has anihilated every team so far. Sweet, cause half my team has played 6 games in the last week!!!! Oh well. As for rugby, I haven't gone in forever and will start it up again next week. I had to rest a bit, I was falling apart!!!!

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