Friday, May 12, 2006

Come One Come All!

Welcome all! This is essentially about my life as I reach the crossroads in my life, what do I want to do with my life? I live the life of a CA student (a chartered accountant student) in Calgary but I am the least likely to be mistaken as an accountant. I have many friends that ask me: "Doesn't your undiagnosed ADD prevent you from working to your full potential as a accountant?" It's true it does sometimes, but right now I am working to live and not living to work. You are welcome to come with me on my journey of discovering how to do the opposite.

I am obsessed with outside. I love being outside and I hate winter. Why do I live in Calgary? Because it is too damn expensive to live in Vancouver or Victoria, which are the only places in Canada that have half decent wheather year long and the job market sucks there. My dream is to move to California, but I am prevented to by a long-term boyfriend, with which I have purchased a nice condo in Kensington with, who is taking over his father's business and is sort of immobile as a result. The one good thing about Calgary is the proximity to the mountains. I love to hike and snowboard and there's no better place to do it.

I play soccer and rugby, but don't mistake me for a butch. I've been playing soccer for a really long time and rugby is a new addition this year. I figured I always end up taking out girls in soccer, might as well do it legally in rugby. I'm catching on to the game quite quickly but the roughness is a bit hard to swallow. My first game was last week and I got out of it with minor injuries (two large bruises and concussion). Right now I am just trying to adapt to being so active as I have 2 rugby practices and 1 soccer practice a week plus a game for each.

Other than that, I like to spend my time drinking on patios at pubs (when its not -30 celcius) and watching some quality reality tv. My poison of choice is rye (its a Canadian thing) and/or malibu. I loooove Laguna Beach, Lost (I know its not reality), the Office and My Name is Earl. It's quite the tv-crap line up but no one can argue that it is my form of escapism.

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