Wednesday, September 20, 2006

It's High Noon at the O-K Corral

Well yesterday was a good day because my real estate agent told me that she thinks my condo is worth $30,000 more than the other realtor said. So that means that, if I let the ex buy me out, I will get $15,000 more than before (half the equity). I also went and bought some climbing shoes so I can be on my way to become an expert rock climber! These shoes are on crack. I usually wear size 8.5 women's shoes but I ended up with size 5.5 shoe! My feet have never looked so dainty! My friend ended up with size 3 shoes. Crazy stuff!

So I read this the other day and was so damn proud of Madrid. Seriously banning underweight models! Right on! I am by no means fat (I actually think I am in good shape) but I'm no waif but sometimes, I feel myself wishing I was skinnier. Than I smack myself in the head and wake up. I am in the normal range for BMI but I think it's all the subconscious messages that are being sent to me via my weekly peruse with US weekly (looking at Nicole Richie's and other such starlets skinny asses) and through Cosmo.

Seriously people, bones are not hot. Could you imagine if you were "intimate" with one of those skinny-ass models/celebrities. You would get bruised hips, you'd break her bones and afterwards, she'd probably want to go throw up the $75 a plate dinner you just bought her (which she proceeded to pick at the lettuce and shift the chicken around the plate so it looked like she ate some). The world these days! But atleast they are taking a step in the right direction.

I am really sorry that Cathy Gould, of New York's Elite modeling agency thinks that the "fashion industry was being used as a scapegoat for illnesses like anorexia and bulimia" but seriously, we aren't stupid, we know that there when young girls stop eating it's because of their heroin-induced asses and not because God told them to. And don't even get me started on the "plus-sized" models on America's Next Top Model. They aren't plus-sized, they are normal! Get glasses!

This rant was brought to you by Cowtown Gal and the letter C.

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