Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Hockey Game Hijinks

My boss came to me yesterday and gave me two tickets to the Calgary Flames Game (NHL) for putting up with the crap client I was working on last week. That is such a sweet deal. I guess I should have a mental breakdown at work more often. In Cowtown we are obsessed with our Flames and I have yet to go to a Hockey Game. The ex told me that he was going to take me to a game last year and then proceeded to go to like 4 or 5 with his friends. Did he ever take me? No. Fucker! Speaking of the ex, I saw him the other night at the Indoor Soccer Centre in Cowtown and he completely ignored me. I typically ignore him but him ignoring me...how rude (I know I am a complete hypocrite).

I went for sushi today with a friend that is going to Thailand tomorrow. I am so jealous of her. It has been a really long time since I've gone anywhere but the US and I am getting the travel bug something wicked. I need to find a job where they will let me work for 9 months and then I can travel for 3 months. I don't care if they only pay me for the 9 months (and I am unpaid for the rest). I don't want to have a normal life where I work 9 to 5 and only have the weekends off. Something is backwards about that shit. Shouldn't you spend the majority of your life doing something you like (i.e. not work) and the minority making the money to do it? I just think providing me with only 3 weeks of holidays a year is bunk. It's not even close to enough time to enjoy my life. Think about it if I was to work until I was 60 and I got on average 4 weeks of holidays a year I would get 140 weeks of holidays. This equates to working 32.3 years and only having 2.69 years off (that is only 7% of my weekdays of my working life spent enjoying myself). That is a raw deal if you ask me.

Anyways I probably wont post again until after the weekend where I will be visiting a friend that lives in Victoria, B.C. (she's going to law school there). There is a cute boy there that I will get to see that I had HUGE sexual tension with when I met him when he came down to Cowtown to visit my friend. But I couldn't do anything with him because I was being faithful to my ex. Who knew that weeks later he would kick the lovely me to the curve. If I could only turn back time! Ah well now I can explore what the cute boy has to offer. I will provide the details! Have a good remembrance day and remember to give your one minute of silence on Saturday at 11 (for those of you in the U.S. disregard the previous).

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