Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Blast from the Past

As I did not do anything interesting in the last two days, I thought I would share a memory from my past. I spent a little under a year travelling in Taiwan, Malaysia, Thailand, Australia, New Zeland and Fiji back in 2001-2002. I remember the excitement I experienced when I was about to go on my trip. I spent my last night out at a pub with a bunch of friends. I said all my goodbyes and then I went back with my then boyfriend to his place to spend our last night together.

I remember being really sad and really happy all at once that night. I had started dating that boyfriend at the start of the summer (it was now September) and we had dated for years in the past. In fact, he was the person to whom I lost my virginity. I dated him all through grade 11 and 12 but we broke up for a long time (during which I seriously dated another guy) because we differed in life plans. He was the type that lacked motivation and still worked manual labour jobs despite having been out of high school for 3 years (I had already finished half a degree at that point).

We started dating again knowing that I would be leaving on this year trip and that I did not plan to stay faithful with him during this time. I have no idea what was in this for him but I have a adversity to being alone (ask anyone at home I cannot go more than 3 or 4 months without getting seriously involved with someone) so he kept me not alone. It was a bittersweet summer that we both knew had an expiration date and that night the expiration date was reached.

I knew he wasn't the one for me, especially when I awoke the next morning to news that my flight wouldn't be leaving for another couple of weeks (my flight was set to leave on September 11, 2001) and I was dissapointed rather than elated that I had to stay. If I'd loved him as much as I thought I did I would be happy to have the extra time as I had an entire year to spend abroad, but I was extremely mellon-collie about the whole thing.

I ended up finally being able to leave after 10 days of sitting around as I had quit my job at this point because I was supposed to be out of the country. I tried to keep in touch with the boyfriend for a long time but he grew distant. I was upfront and honest with him about my intentions to enjoy life to the fullest and to be open to meeting men while on my trip, but I believe he was hoping I would miss him so much and come home early. I basically stopped hearing from him when I admitted that I was travelling with a guy. He asked, and I am not one to be dishonest. Upon returning to Canada, I hung out with him a couple of times but I could tell that our relationship was dead. I do not keep in contact with him anymore but I wish him the best.

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