Sunday, January 07, 2007

No Actually I am Alive!!!

Well it's been a long-ass time since I last posted. Sorry bout that. I was really busy. What have I been up to? Well work has gotten pretty busy, I wrote my 5th (and last module) exam of my Chartered Accounting schooling and passed, I did alot of climbing and alot of snowboarding. Although I've had lots to say, I haven't had time to say it. I met a couple of boys in the last while and finally found one that I think I'll stick with for a while.

(Me climbing).

So for Xmas I spent some time in Canmore (a beautiful mountain town by Banff, where my parents are planning to retire). There wasn't much eventful that happened other than my mom exclaiming (while looking at our ridiculously large free-range turkey) "This turkey has large breasts just like us" (we Cowtowngal's have a decent sized bosom). But atleast my parents didn't get pleasantly plastered and tell me to what album I was conceived this year circa Xmas 2005(by the way it was apparently Led Zepplin's physical graffiti). If I ever forget how I became so blunt and inappropriate, I need only to look as far as my immediate family. For xmas I got a new camera, perfume (Vanille de Apricot), and some silver necklaces.

I went snowboarding quite a big over the holiday which was sweet until I hit a tree and busted my bindings. I proceeded to take in my binding strap to try and get a new one and they informed me that they no longer replace 10 year old bindings and then asked me how the hell my bindings lasted that long in the first place. Well I got a new pair of white Burton Custom bindings with some bling (gold buckles) and they are awesome. I can't wait to get out some more and use them.

I also ended up going to Invemere which is a lake town close to Panorama (a sweet ass ski hill) with a bunch of friends. My sister was there with her boyfriend, some other friends and some of the cabin owner's brother's friends. I loved the brother's friends. So much fun. They showed me this fun-ass dice game, which I proceeded to kick ass at and then began losing miserably. But all weekend we were out with the "your momma" jokes. And man were they bad. They were horrible. Anything we heard that we could make into a your momma joke was made into one. We were also making up some stupid handshakes like the rainbow (punch your knuckles together, than make a rainbow motion with your hands and say Awwwwwwwwwww!), the sparkle (punch knuckles together, than wave your fingers and spout out a campy "Sparkle!", and last but not least the semi truck (punch knuckles together, pretend to shift into reverse, and back your knuckles away from the other person going "Beep, beep, beep"). We tried to take these to the local bar in invemere and let me tell you the locals were not impressed. Oh well, we had some fun none the less.

I drove the pipeliner up with me to the cabin and shared a couch with him. But I couldn't bring myself to even kiss him anymore because he was annoying me so much. Also, I kept thinking about my friend at home that I had been hanging out with lately (only supposedly as friends). So needless to say when I got home, I told the pipeliner that we should just be friends because we were better that way. He proceeded to ask me if it was because I had met someone else, and I didn't respond.

Well immediately when I got home, I phoned my friend (the one I was thinking about while hanging out with the pipeliner) and asked what he was doing. He came out with me and I met some his friends and then we met up with some of our friends. I tried to set up my one friend with my friend that I didn't realize I liked but to no avail. So, I went back to my friend's house to hang out and all of the sudden, I found myself cuddling with him on the couch. Seriously had no idea where it came from. It was like, one minute we are friends, and the next minute, we are more than friends. Hmmmm...WTF? Oh well works with me. He's a really good guy. He used to work with me but ended up leaving our company and going to a different auditing firm. So he's cute, doesn't work with me and is super fun to hang out with.

(Me and the guys on new year's eve. The new man is to the right of me).

I spent new years with him and ended up getting wayyyy to drunk but that's okay. I bought a new dress and we went to a club with my new man, his roommate and his roommate's brother. It was pretty fun. I'm pretty sure I was creeping some people out with my sweet sweet drunkin' dance moves, but whatever, I'm sure they liked it. Haha! Not a whole lot worth talking about happened because I was too tipsy to remember what happened. But I had fun. So now and the new man are officially dating (I think that means we are exclusive) so I hope this goes well. We shall see!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

You hottie!!! And you snowboard?!?!!? I am SO impressed...I can't even use a skateboard properly...OK, at all...

Houston...I lived there for five years but will admit that not much of my knowledge revolves around the downtown if you are stuck there. I will say that Treebeard's has the World's Best Red Beans & Rice (ask for no sausage...extra cheese and onions) and order the buttercake too, it's to die for and absolutely nothing about it is fat-free...there are two or three locations in the city (the take-out one is in the tunnel near One Shell Plaza but the prettiest one is in the Market Square area (check out for exact locations)...outside of the city...Love the Saltgrass steakhouse (I-10 west of the city)...FANTASTIC crawfish (which should be in season) at Orlando's on 1960 (phone- (281) 550-2777 - 4603 Highway 6 North)...Tortuga's is a good Mexican joint up the street from Orlando's. Both of these places are a bit further out but in the general area of where I lived...hmmm...Katy Outlet Mall is further out I-10 if you have a weekend and there's a quaint little shopping area called Old Town Spring north of the city (forgot the highway it's off of though)...

OK...that's all I'll throw at you for now but there is NO END to fabulous food in Houston...many people like Houston's (a fancy restaurant) too but I have only been there once and it was many, many years ago...

e-mail me if you need...the_kept_woman at yahoo dot com...