Thursday, February 07, 2008

Joi de Vie

So after another hiatus......I am back. I have been settling into work and figuring out how to do my job, so time on the internet has been precious. I would have written sooner, but I tripped over the cord attaching my home laptop to the modem (ya I have been to cheap thus far to buy a wireless modem) and my computer has stopped working. Every time I boot it up it goes into a endless cycle of looking like it is going to boot into Windows and then giving me the evil blue screen of death and then restarting again. I hate the damn blue screen of death. The least it could do is stick around long enough to let me see what the error message is so I could google it and try to home-fix my computer, but alas, the thing stays up for 0.25 seconds and then disappears.

The boyfriend had lugged his desktop computer up from Canada and although it made it through a cross-ocean trip, the damn ghetto movers here in Bermuda, traveling at 40km/h for about 10 minutes, managed to destroy the thing. We are without home computers right now! We are still paying the $100 per month for internet though, which provides us with the intense surfing power of 256kb/s. But don't you worry, I ordered a new laptop from the lovely people of Dell Latin American, and when they get off their fat-asses and make the damn thing, I should return to more regular blogging. I miss the modern conveniences of living in Canada. They would have had my Dell computer assembled and sent to me within a week. In Bermuda, they will likely get it to me in a month and then charge me $300 in duty! But I guess paying $300 in duty is better than losing half my paycheques to the tax-peeps!

So I am settling into life here. Me and the boyfriend have moved out of our guesthouse and into our apartment. The place is furnished but the furniture is so crappy (read: twin bed and futon that won't convert completely upright thus destroying my back). So I have been on a mission to slowly replace the furniture in our place. I am trying to find a decent second-hand sofa-bed but the Bermudians sure do like ugly, gaudy furniture....but I don't! I am going to have to buy a new one, probably at great expense! Another fun thing about Bermuda is the damn humidity here. I usually shower at the gym in the mornings before work but I showered at home last Sunday and then didn't shower again, at home, until the following Saturday. And to my chagrin, my towel was still freakin' wet! I definitely need to get a dehumidifier! And man is sweeping all my long-ass dark hairs off the floor annoying when the floor is always damp! Driving me nuts! What do you even use to get rid of them?

So we have started hanging out with an interesting crew of people and we seem to have weekly drinking and Wii parties at someone's house. We, along with two other couples, have Wiis. Man that thing is fun. I borrowed Mario Party 8 from my manager and have been playing lots of that and Guitar Hero (which I bought the boyfriend for Christmas). One of our new buddies likes to get naked. Like all the time. I have only been here for 1 month, and in the 3 weekends of hanging out with him, I have seen him:

-Completely naked with only the Wii guitar covering his nether-regions
-Wearing a skin-tight Ace and Gary suit (that he had hand-made for Halloween last year)
-Wearing only a jock strap
-Wearing no shirt with a happy face drawn around his belly-button (the belly-button was its mouth and he made it talk)
-Wearing a lovely pair of little briefs

The guy is a riot. Very amusing! His poor wife!

Other than that, I have started playing ultimate frisbee once a week. I have never played before but it is really fun. It's a wicked workout! The thing that sucks is that there is only one other girl that plays and I have only seen her the first day I was out. I am all for equality between the sexes, but men can just run faster than me. So covering people sucks! Also, it is very intimidating when a 6'4 black man, built like a linebacker, purposely tries to scare the shit out of me on a regular basis. For example, I tried to jump to get the frisbee and he towered over me and plucked it easily out of the air and yelled "You want this little girl?" He is actually a really nice guy, as I discovered when the following week he was on my team instead of against me (it is drop-in ultimate frisbee). I have to work on some basic skills to get better at the game such as throwing a frisbee, catching a frisbee and moving to the right spot to have it be beneficial for someone to throw the frisbee to me. Meh....that'll come with time I am sure!

I also joined a yoga class put on by the Dept. of Community and Cultural Affairs of Bermuda called "Yoga for Exercise". The description reads "Learn to relax while toning and trimming your body." It is the world's worst yoga class and should be called "Yoga for senior citizens"! The lady that teaches the class has us put our mats in a circle around her and takes the first 10 minutes of the class taking attendance. Not even sure why she continues to take attendance week after week, since the people are always the same. She is teaching a class of people who range in age from 16 to about 30 but she keeps talking about osteoperosis and back-health. Also, she gets us to put aside our traditional yoga mats and lugs out the thick mats that are used for the kids gyms classes. During the first class, she took us through a really easy stretching routine (not even a yoga move in sight) and then ended up telling us to do the fish pose:

This is probably one of the worst poses for your back! This lady is clearly not qualified to teach this class and I feel like standing up and doing it for her. I think I am going to quit this class and stick to doing yoga via tv (they have this great Fit TV channel that has all sorts of good yoga shows on).

I also bought a new scooter, which I love. Here is a picture of me on it:

I am planning on taking some pretty pictures of the beautiful white and pink sand beaches here in Bermuda some weekend, but every weekend is rainy and overcast. The weather is usually beautiful during the week, while I am stuck inside at work and then turns shitty come Saturday. Seriously, get your act together weather!!!! I need photos to make my friends at home (who experienced -40 to -50 Celcius in the last little while) jealous!

1 comment:

Freebird said...

About friggin' time!!! Geeez.
K, I get it, you had no internet connection, computer broke, internet sucks, yadda yadda yadda.
But seriously man, I managed to get to the internet at least once a week when I was in Ecuador and I was in butt-fuck nowhere!

haha, me love you long time. It's all good.

Yeah, I know all about the never-dry-towel thing...good times! You look so cute on your scooter with the curly hair and all.

Miss ya!