Friday, May 23, 2008

Friday Ramblings!

So the weather has finally taken a turn for the better. It has been generally crappy and muggy out the past few days with a few major rain storms thrown in the middle. But just in time for my half-marathon, it gets nice out. The only day where I would like an overcast day! Seriously what the f powers that be?

Here's a picture of some locals enjoying the lovely weather (read: flooded roads)

I saw something hilarious on the internet today that I have to share. Seriously, what would you think if you got a present in one of these? Love it! I hope everyone (i.e. all 2 people that read this) have a wicked weekend!


Unknown said...

I would think..."Damn, I can't believe they wasted money on an empty box!!!!"

Then again that's just me. I like presents.


How was YOUR weekend!?!?

Cowtown Gal in Paradise said...

My weekend was good! Read the next post! How was yours?